Offering support and services for persons on the Autism
Spectrum, their families and professionals in the field

Kimberly Isaac-Emery
Autism with ExcellenceOffering support and services for persons on the Autism
Spectrum, their families and professionals in the field
Consultation Services
Relationship Development Intervention (RDI®)
- The First Step Package
- Full RDI Programming
- Family education and training (parents and/or siblings)
- Extender training (home therapists that are supporting RDI home programming)
Internet Consultation
- RDI Consultations
- Parent training sessions
- Parent education sessions
- Troubleshooting sessions
School Consultation Services
- School observation
- Teacher training
- Para-professional training
- Attend and participate in school meetings
Goal Setting Consultations
- Family goal setting
- Individual goal setting
General Consultation
- Program trouble shooting
- Specific areas of concern consultation
- Program evaluation
- Parent education
- Parent training
Couples and Family Education
For couples who are interested in learning about:
- Autism
- How to improve communication and understanding of each other.
Work Place/Day Program Consultation Services
- Observation
- Professional training
- Goal setting
Speaking/ Presentations/Workshops
Two-hour presentations about:
- Autism
- Relationship Development Intervention™ (RDI)
- Working with teens and adults with ASD
- Executive functioning / Dynamic intelligence
- Healthy Family Functioning
Is Your Teen with autism Struggling with their Social Life?
We can Help!